Pooch Picks – Feeling Ticked Off

Pooch Picks – Feeling Ticked Off
  • By Tania Marie de Saram
  • 0

  • As the weather heats up, we take to the country for long walks with our furry friends. But it’s important to keep a watchful eye out for ticks. These little critters look like tiny eggs with legs, and love nothing more than to suck blood, which can spread Lyme Disease and other nasties.

    If you notice a tick on you or your canine, remove it as quickly as possible, but ensure you do not pull or squeeze the tick’s body as you are likely to leave the head behind, which can lead to infection. Instead, slide a tick remover tool beneath the tick, as close to the skin as possible. Then twist it fully in one direction until you feel the tick loosen and let go, before slowly lifting the tool away.

    Once the arachnid has been safely disposed of, clean the area, and monitor your pet for any signs of illness. ❤

    ~ Tania Marie de Saram
