We’ve collated together a few of the most common queries that we receive, as well as some other tidbits of additional information to help you understand the grooming process and inform you further.
If your question does not appear on this page, or if you would simply like to chat with one of our grooming professionals in more detail, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
How old should my pet be before his first groom?
We want your fur baby to have the best experience with us, therefore we recommend an early start to get used to the process. We suggest coming in around the six-month mark, following completion of all vaccinations.
We offer introductory grooms for all puppies and kittens; this is not the same as a full groom as their coats have not transitioned to the adult phase yet, but we want them to become comfortable with the sights, sounds and smells in our salon to ensure future visits are stress-free.
How often should I bring in my pet for grooming?
This depends upon the condition, length, and type of coat your fur baby has, but we generally recommend grooming every two months to keep him clean whilst not stripping him of any natural oils.
Of course every animal is different, so please feel free to call us with any concerns you may have. Don’t forget that nails are constantly growing also; we suggest these are trimmed on a monthly basis.
What does a groom involve?
A full groom for pooches (excluding puppies and giant dogs) includes:
• Initial consultation
• Bathing
• Drying
• Brushing
• De-tangling
• Hygiene trim
• Nail and pad trim
• Eyes and ears cleaned
• Clipping or scissor finishing
A full groom for pusses (excluding kittens) includes:
• Initial consultation*
• Bathing with rinseless de-shed shampoo
• Drying
• Brushing
• De-tangling
• Hygiene trim
• Nail and pad trim
• Eyes and ears cleaned
• Clipping or scissor finishing
*Please note that the initial consultation for felines does incur a charge of £10 for new customers, which is deductible from the final cost. This is to ascertain if your pet is willing and able to be groomed. If this is possible then the groom will continue as agreed.
How long does a full groom typically take and what is the cost?
Approximate times and costs for various services can be found on our Price List. However, these also depend upon coat type, coat condition, breed, size, temperament, requested style and age of your fur baby. Please call us for a quote.
What is the difference between a Lion Cut and a Teddy Bear?
This is a question we get asked all the time, so Bubu and Sky are here to explain!
With a Lion Cut, the body is clipped extremely short and the mane is left long, with varying degrees of extension available. The legs and tail are clipped extremely short, leaving the feet with booties, and the tail with a pom pom.

With a Teddy Bear, the body is clipped short and the head is rounded. The legs are clipped short, blending into the feet, and the tail is slimmed down.

We cater to variations between the two, so please let us know your preferences during the initial consultation.
Which style should I choose?
There are a number of things to consider when deciding which cut is in your feline’s best interests.
Older cats or those who struggle with self-grooming may find the lengthy bib of the Lion Cut difficult to maintain. However, since this clip is shorter, it may be a good option for those with severe knots or matts.
The natural coat length and condition also determine which shave is more suitable, as we need healthy fur to work with in order to style it.
We would always recommend having a chat with our grooming experts so together, we can create the purrfect look for your precious puss.
Am I able to stay with my pet during her groom?
As you are her hooman, she may want to come to you during her groom, which could put her safety at risk if she gets too excitable and distracted. We need her complete attention whilst we are working on her, therefore we ask for you to wait until we let you know she is finished before coming to pick her up.
You are most welcome to be shown around the salon either before or after her groom, but the safety and pleasurable experience of your fur baby whilst with us is of paramount importance.
Do I need to do anything before bringing my pet in?
We recommend your fur baby has the chance to go to the toilet and have a little food and drink before coming to us, but you may want to keep this light in case she is the nervous type.
We ask all new clients to complete a grooming record form, which enables us to cater a care programme specifically to her individual needs, taking into account any medical conditions, and likes or dislikes.
If you have a particular style in mind, please bring a photo of this with you and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Will you sedate my pet?
Definitely not. Sedation of any description is a veterinary procedure, and although we are trained in Animal First Aid, groomers are not medical professionals.
If your fur baby requires medication to enable us to groom her, please organise this with your veterinarian prior to your appointment.
Do you use cages for my pet? How about cage dryers?
Unless a dog is particularly unsociable, we give them the freedom to stretch their paws whilst waiting for their treatment. However, we keep cats in their carriers until we are ready for them as they usually appreciate a familiar, enclosed environment.
We believe hand-drying is safer and less stressful to our furry friends; whilst this may increase the treatment time, we refuse to compromise on the well-being of any animal in our care.
Why don’t you offer a hand-stripping service for dogs?
Whilst many groomers offer hand-stripping for wire-haired dog breeds rather than cutting hair with clippers, we do not use this procedure as in our experience, it causes discomfort to the dog and lengthens grooming time.
Our priority is and always has been, providing a positive pampering session, and ensuring our salon is a place your fur baby loves returning to, over and over again.