Here at Purrfect And Pooch Ltd we work hard, but there is always time for a little break as our furry friends take centre stage!
Alfie reclines whilst Tania clips his nails!
Bella purrs and kneads, as she feels relief during her knot removal!
Bellaboo insists on cuddling Tania, during her blow-dry!
Boris trusts Tania enough to relax, whilst she gets rid of his knots and pelted coat!
Mr. Jinx couldn’t be more chilled out during his Lion Cut with Tania!
Percy is gently lathered up by Tania!
Simba gets all sudsy with Tania!
Tania gives Dottie a good scrub, whilst she soaks in the bath!
Tania helps Percy to freshen up and feel comfortable!
Tania relieves Molly of her matted coat!
Tania takes some time to build a rapport with Dani!