Pooch Picks – Flea From Danger

Pooch Picks – Flea From Danger
  • By Tania Marie de Saram
  • 0

  • Fleas are nasty little parasites that can survive without a host for months, so it is important to keep a close eye on your furry friend and his environment! There are many different species, and they reproduce extremely quickly.

    Not only do these critters suck blood from animals, making young or frail ones especially susceptible to blood loss and weakness, but they can also transmit diseases and even tapeworms. Many fur babies are hypersensitive to the saliva secreted from a flea bite, which can cause great discomfort and dermatitis.

    Flea collars can be less than effective and, in some cases, cause serious health complications, so here at Purrfect and Pooch we recommend using a topical treatment that targets larvae as well as the adult flea.

    Please note that to protect all animals (and humans) in our salon, we will add the cost of flea-treatment to your bill if we discover any of these little nasties. ❤

    ~ Tania Marie de Saram
